Pixeltech Web Site Access Statistics

The Web site access statistics facility provides information on the type and amount of access your Web site is receiving. If you are already familiar with using the system, please proceed directly through to the access stats, otherwise, please read the instructions below first.

Show Access Statistics

Password Protection

The statistics for your site are password protected, to ensure that others cannot view confidential access information. We must enable your password for this facility - please e-mail admin@pixeltech.com.au to request this.

Hits and Visitors

Most Web site statistics report access in terms of hits. The term 'hits' is very poorly defined, and changes according to what is being discussed and who is discussing it. For instance, the Web server (the machine where your Web site lives) keeps a log of every single element that has been requested of it. Web site elements include pages, images and any other auxiliary files such as PDF. Quite often a request for every one of these elements is referred to as an individual hit, so that if a single visitor to the site downloads five pages, each with ten images (11 total elements per page), then that counts as 55 hits!

A different way of calculating hits is to count the number of times that the main home page has been accessed. This is a much better indicator of real site visits, but it still does not account for locally stored copies of the home page on the visitor's computer (which are not requested from the server on a subsequent visit). It also fails to include visits directly to bookmarked pages other than the home page.

Instead, the approach used here is to attempt to count real visitors to the site. Although the information provided to the Web server does not actually identify unique visitors, a substantial attempt is made to automatically analyse the requested site elements and to formulate a picture of visitor access. This is achieved through some assumptions that are described in the sections below. We believe that despite the imperfections in such a system, this way is far more meaningful in identifying visitor behaviour. It also allows for some extra information to be gleaned, such as the duration of visit.

There may be occasions where the system may not correctly distinguish individual visitors, as may happen when multiple visitors share a proxy server and access the Web site simultaneously. In such a case, multiple visitors will be merged and displayed as a single visitor that accesses many more pages. The occurrence of this is reasonably rare.

Viewing and Printing

If you have difficulty viewing the access statistics, please ensure that Java is enabled on your browser. If you are printing the stats to a colour printer, you will get better results by enabling the printing of background colours on the browser. Both of these settings are accessed through Options or Preferences on your browser.

The date setting at the top allows you to select a date range for which to calculate statistics. Note that if you have a large range, it may take a few minutes to calculate and be rather cluttered. You can improve on this by selecting and displaying a number of date ranges. The information on Web site usage is gathered and summarises every 24 hours at midnight EST. For this reason, stats are only available for the day before and earlier, back to when logging for your site commenced. You cannot select an end date that is today or in the future and any dates that occur before logging commenced on your site will be ignored.

Summary Values

To the right of each graph is a summary of the values displayed. These are:


Although we have endeavoured to ensure that this access statistics facility is as accurate as possible, it is provided 'as is', with no guarantees on the accuracy of the information displayed, and Pixeltech will not be held liable for its use.


This facility is owned by Pixeltech Design Pty Ltd and is supplied as a courtesy to our clients. Pixeltech grants the right for the owner of the Web site to use any information provided for any purpose that they see fit, on the condition that the copyright and developer notice that is displayed at the bottom of the stats remains intact.

Standard and Advanced Statistics

An explanation of each of the stats available is given below. Only the standard stats will be available unless advanced statistics have been purchased. If you wish to have access to the advanced features, please contact our
sales department.

Standard Statistics

Visitors per Day
This section shows the number of individual visitors per day, over the period selected at the top. Each position across the graph represents one day. The growth of this graph over time directly translates to the growth of visitor traffic to the Web site.
Average Visitors per Hour of Day
The two graphs in this section divide the day into 24 hours and display the averaged number of visitors across the date range for each hour. This may help to identify the nature of visitors - whether domestic, corporate or international.
Top n Visited Pages per Day
This section displays up to the top 10 visited pages per day, as well as a graph showing the change in the number of page visits over time. The number in the coloured square of the legend is the total number of requests for that page over the date range.

Each item in the legend shows the page requested relative to the main address of the site. For example, a request for 'http://www.domain.com/abc.html' will be displayed in the graph legend as '/abc.html', and the home page will be displayed as simply a '/'. Database or scripting components will be start with '/cgi-bin/'.

A detailed listing of all requested pages, not just the top few, can be displayed by clicking the 'List All' link at the bottom of the legend. This listing will also expand on database requests, offering insight into what parts of an on-line database visitors are looking at.

Top n Sources of Visitors per Day
Each time a visitor comes to the site, their origin is given to the server as a unique address called an 'IP Address', and is made up four numbers of the form ''. The server then attempts to look up the name given to the IP address. If successful, it may give the company for which they work, or more commonly is their ISP (Internet Service Provider). If not successful (owing to poorly configured networks or an intentional hiding of the name), only the address can be stored.

This section lists the top sources of visitors, and is very useful for understanding the nature of people visiting the site. Sometimes you may see the names of competing companies, or even clients or suppliers.

The number in the coloured square of the legend is the total number of requests over the date range from a given source. A detailed listing of all sources of requests, not just the top few, can be displayed by clicking the 'List All' link at the bottom of the legend.

Visits from Top n Countries per Day
For each visit to the site, if the source of the visit can be determined (see above), the country of origin may often be guessed from the name. For example, names ending in '.au' are almost definitely visitors from Australia. Other names, such as those ending in '.com', can be taken by companies from all over the world, and are best identified as 'International'. If the name of the source of the visit cannot be determined, it is shown as 'Unknown'.

The number in the coloured square of the legend is the total number of visitors over the date range from a given country. A detailed listing of all visitors by country, not just the top few, can be displayed by clicking the 'List All' link at the bottom of the legend.

Advanced Statistics

Average Visitors per Day of Week
The two graphs in this section divide the stats into 7-day elements and display the averaged number of visitors across the date range for each day of the week. This may help to identify the nature of visitors - whether domestic or corporate, and also to correlate responses to marketing exercises.

This is an advanced feature.

Average Number of Viewed Pages per Visit per Day
This section plots the actual usage rate of the site by identifying the average number of pages viewed per visit. This demonstrates whether visitors are glancing at a page or two of the site, or exploring around further, and hence identifies whether the most appropriate visitor is being invited to the site. The change in this value over time paints a good picture of repeat versus new visits (repeat visitors typically view fewer pages), and if examined together with Web site altertions, illustrates the effectiveness of the alterations.

This is an advanced feature.

Average Visit Duration (in minutes)
The visit duration is a good indicator of Web site interest, and when examined in conjunction with the number of pages viewed, helps to explain visitor patterns. Two graphs are given - the duration of a visit to a Web site and the duration of display of Web pages, both averaged for each day over the date range.

The visit time is estimated from the first and last requested pages of a visit, and the number of pages requested over the visit. There is no way to determine how much of that time the visitor actually spent viewing the site.

This is an advanced feature.

Top n Referers per Day
Referers are Web pages which link to your site. When a visitor clicks on a line on one of these pages and is directed to your site, this information is carried through. It is very useful to know where traffic to your site is coming from, as it identifies the success of search engines, referral partners and cross-promotions.

If visitors request your site directly without following a link from another site, this information is not available, and is labelled in the stats as, 'Direct Access (not referred)'.

This section displays the top referers to your site. The number in the coloured square of the legend is the total number of referals over the date range from a given source. A detailed listing of all referers, not just the top few, can be displayed by clicking the 'List All' link at the bottom of the legend.

This is an advanced feature.

Top n Users per Day
Web pages that are password protected are able to store the login information for each visitor as they log in. If you have password protected areas on the Web site that visitors have used, this section will automatically appear in the list. The graph shows the number of visits, hence the amount of activity, that the top users perform over the selected date range.

The number in the coloured square of the legend is the total number of accesses over the date range by a given user. A detailed listing of all referers, not just the top few, can be displayed by clicking the 'List All' link at the bottom of the legend.

This is an advanced feature.